Dedemin İnsanları [My Grandfather’s People]
29 Mei 2023 14:30 Lab 111 Amsterdam
01 Juni 2023 18:15 Lantaren Venster Rotterdam
RTFF 2023

[My Grandfather’s People]



    TR/...Dedemin İnsanları,Ege Denizi kıyısındaki bir şehirde 1980 yazı. Okul yılı on yaşındaki Ozan için yeni sona ermiştir ve onun yaşındaki her erkek çocuk gibi yaz tatilinde mahalleyi boylamaya hazırdır. Babası Giritli olan patrik ve dede Mehmet Efendi, ailesiyle birlikte şehre ilk yerleşenlerdendir. Ozan'ın babaannesi Nadire Selanik'ten, başka bir göçmen aileden. Ozan, dedesi, ablası, annesi Nurhan ve aynı zamanda belediye başkan yardımcısı olan sol görüşlü babası İbrahim ile birlikte yaşamaktadır..

    NL/...De mensen van mijn grootvader, Het is de zomer van 1980 in een stad aan de Egeïsche Zee. Het schooljaar is net afgelopen voor de tienjarige Ozan en zoals elke jongen van zijn leeftijd, is hij klaar om de buurt te veroveren tijdens de zomervakantie. Patriarch en opa Mehmet Efendi, wiens vader afkomstig is van Kreta, was met zijn familie een van de eerste kolonisten in de stad. Ozans oma Nadire is afkomstig uit Thessaloniki, afkomstig uit een andere familie van immigranten. Ozan woont bij zijn grootouders, zijn zusje, moeder Nurhan en de politiek links georiënteerde vader Ibrahim, die tevens locoburgemeester is.

    ENG/...My Grandfather’s People, It is the summer of 1980 in a city on the Aegean Sea. The school year has just ended for ten-year-old Ozan and like any boy his age, he's ready to take on the neighborhood during summer vacation. Patriarch and grandfather Mehmet Efendi, whose father is from Crete, was one of the first settlers in the city with his family. Ozan's grandmother Nadire is from Thessaloniki, from another family of immigrants. Ozan lives with his grandparents, his sister, mother Nurhan and the politically left-oriented father Ibrahim, who is also deputy mayor.


  • Genres
  • Taglines
    • Amsterdam, Rotterdam
        • Runtime
          2 hour 0 minute
        • Color
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